For University and post-Secondary students
PEV’s programs for university students are meant to inspire and affirm the next generation of leaders and professionals.
Through Kintore College, a women’s student residence owned & operated by PEV, we strive to provide young women with the opportunity to make the most of this time; to grow into well-rounded young professionals who are skillfully equipped to begin a meaningful & productive career in their respective fields.
Kintore provides a beautiful and modern space for students to call home while they pursue their studies. Conveniently located on the University of Toronto St. George campus, our spacious building is complete with living rooms, study rooms, a computer lab, a library, and a classroom which can be used by both residents and non-residents.
As a complement to their full-time post-secondary studies, Kintore residents commit to taking at least one course in Christian Studies, Philosophy and/or Professional Development in addition to attending lectures and discussions on a regular basis. All residents have a mentor to assist them in the integration of their lives and studies and in developing the necessary skills to have a meaningful impact in our world.
Activities throughout the year include stimulating lectures, study weekends, community service projects, retreats and networking dinners.
Visit www.kintorecollege.ca for more details on events and activities.
Activities & Events
STRIDE Workshop
Each year our Striving to Develop Workshop offers participants the opportunity to access different seminars, panels, and hands-on sessions that revolve around an impactful topic.
The next STRIDE Workshop will be January 17 - 18, 2025!
STRIDE Leadership Program
STRIDE (STRIving to DEvelop) Leadership Program places itself at the service of the university, which occupies an irreplaceable role in the progress of society. As a meeting point for university discussion STRIDE fosters dialogue on the principal questions affecting the person and culture of our time.
The Catholic Faith
Throughout the school year, young women in post-secondary school are invited to a weekly presentation and conversation where topics are examined from a Christian perspective. Topics are posted semesterly and range from natural law to the existence of God and the reality of suffering.
Prom-Edu-Val Society is committed to providing a safe environment for all participants in our activities and programs.
If you have questions about our safety policies or have a particular safety issue that you would like to bring to our attention, please contact us at [email protected]. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with a member of the PEV Management team, you can contact your local police or child protective services. If a minor is at risk, call 911.